Logistics Consultancy
"We are specialists in supply chain management, a key factor in achieving a competitive advantage."

Easy and simple user experience
Today, the supply chain has acquired great complexity due to changes in global consumption patterns.
Quartup WMS applications allow you to manage your supply chain from any device, with the objective of achieving maximum competitiveness in the market and optimizing profits.
What are we offering?
The new supply chain, Supply Chain 4.0, is the process of implementing technologies and methods of production and stock management that enhance the productivity and efficiency of operations.
It benefits from Artificial Intelligence to anticipate future scenarios, locate inefficiencies and prevent problems.
The objective of physical inventory is to know exactly the products in stock and their quantities in order to facilitate the preparation of orders, which translates into greater customer satisfaction.
It is important to have a good production plan in your company to establish what can be manufactured with the necessary resources and needs. With our technology you will reduce the time dedicated to planning and you will be able to keep a good follow-up.
Purchasing management is directly related to cost reduction and quality improvement. For this reason, it is essential for companies to be aware that more than half of the selling price of the products or services needed to carry out their activities depends directly on the results of purchasing negotiations.
These are numerical data ratios that show the performance of a process when compared to a given point in the company’s history or another reference metric. In this way, it is possible to identify possible positive or negative developments and act accordingly.
Reducing operating costs and increasing profits is the main objective of all logistics management. Achieving efficiency in intralogistics operations involves identifying and reducing the main costs, especially those related to transportation and warehousing.
It is important that the supply chain consultant understands the importance of logistics processes for the company to obtain greater profitability. This consultant is in charge of driving operations focused on logistics, transportation, procurement and inventory management.
Its objective is to reduce logistics costs by detecting those tasks that do not generate added value to the process, such as excess stock in storage. Thanks to the Lean logistics methodology, a shortening of the order cycle will be achieved through the search for efficiency.
Having a digital supply chain management plan as a WMS has great advantages for companies:
- Product control and traceability.
- Reduction of procurement, manufacturing and distribution costs.
- Implementation of continuous improvement methods.
- Improved customer service quality.
Implementing a Warehouse Management System (WMS) for the computerized management of the warehouse is a big change and allows the people working in a warehouse to optimize their work and focus on the tasks that provide more work.
- Ease of use
- Greater control and visibility
- Reduction of errors
Returns management
How does the logistics system work?

1. Receipt and reception of goods
Receiving control, merchandise labeling, location allocation, reverse logistics, cross docking and kit management.
2. Stock control
Real Time Inventory
3. Internal Logistics
Multi-ubicación, límites de stock, trazabilidad, zonificación ABC y Configuración de recorridos picking, traspasos entre Almacenes…
4. Expedition
Routings, manifests, agency labels, agency delivery notes, Packing List.
5. Reports
ABC product reports, stock rotation, stock limits…
Reduce time and errors with the most reliable service
- Improve your customer experience, customer service and employee satisfaction.
- Increase productivity
- Reduce process time and costs
- Optimize existing investments in QUARTUP ERP software

“Our service begins with the analysis and diagnosis of the operation.
The entire supply chain is a source of data in itself, and the development and implementation of the right solution for each case will depend on its correct visualization and analysis.”
Improves the income statement
With Quartup WMS you will have control of the process, improve the productivity and quality of the Supply Chain and increase the profitability of operations.
Operational processes
Improves the income statement